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TitanHQ Product Docs

Domain Policy Settings



Spam Filtering:

Specifies if spam filtering is enabled or disabled for the selected domain (default: enabled).

Consider mail spam when score is greater than:

This is the anti-spam engine scoring threshold above which mail is considered to be spam (default: 5).

Spam should be:

  • Quarantined: The message is accepted, but quarantined and appears in the user's quarantine reports. It may be released from quarantine if deemed to be a false positive.

  • Passed (Tagged): The message is analyzed as normal and passed to the end recipient(s). Headers are added to allow filtering on the back-end.

    To prepend text to the subject indicating that the message has been identified as spam, enable Spam Modifies Subject and specify an appropriate Subject Tag (default: [ ** SPAM ** ]). To include the spam score in the subject, specify _SCORE_ in the spam subject tag. This will be replaced with the actual score.


    Selecting Passed (Tagged) bypasses allow and block lists and delivers an email to the user mailbox.

  • Rejected: The message is rejected. The default action is to quarantine all messages that exceed the spam threshold. In the case of a banned attachment or spam, a DSN will be generated. No DSN will be generated for viruses, as most viruses originate from forged mail addresses.

Send NDR:

If checked, a Delivery Status Notification (DSN) is generated if a mail is quarantined.


DSNs can cause backscatter which can result in the server IP being blocked.

Discard Spam scoring above:

Messages scoring above the specified score are not quarantined.

Add X-Spam headers to non-spam mails:

If enabled, additional headers are added to the message that indicates the result of the spam analysis. The following headers are added:

  • X-Spam-Status: Shows if a message exceeded the spam threshold and the score is achieved. The rules that were fired by the anti-spam engine are also listed.

  • X-Spam-Score: Shows the spam score achieved.


These headers are only added to inbound messages.

Virus Filtering:

Specifies if virus filtering is enabled or disabled for this domain (default: enabled).

Viruses should be:

  • Quarantined: The message is accepted, but quarantined and appears in the user's quarantine reports. It may be released from quarantine if deemed to be a false positive.

  • Passed (Tagged): The message is analyzed as normal and passed to the end recipient(s). Headers are added to allow filtering on the back-end.

    To prepend text to the subject indicating that the message has been identified as spam, enable Spam Modifies Subject and specify an appropriate Subject Tag (default: [ ** SPAM ** ]). To include the spam score in the subject, specify _SCORE_ in the spam subject tag. This will be replaced with the actual score.

  • Rejected: The message is rejected. The default action is to quarantine all messages that exceed the spam threshold. In the case of a banned attachment or spam, a DSN will be generated. No DSN will be generated for viruses, as most viruses originate from forged mail addresses.


Specifies if sandboxing is enabled or disabled for this domain (default: disabled).

Attachment Type Filtering:

If enabled, the corporate message attachment policy is applied to messages sent to this domain (default: enabled). Go to Content Filtering > Attachments to configure global attachment filtering settings.

Banned Attachments should be:

  • Quarantined: The message is accepted, but quarantined and appears in the user's quarantine reports. It may be released from quarantine if deemed to be a false positive.

  • Passed (Tagged): The message is analyzed as normal and passed to the end recipient(s). Headers are added to allow filtering on the back-end.

    To prepend text to the subject indicating that the message has been identified as spam, enable Spam Modifies Subject and specify an appropriate Subject Tag (default: [ ** SPAM ** ]). To include the spam score in the subject, specify _SCORE_ in the spam subject tag. This will be replaced with the actual score.

  • Rejected: The message is rejected. The default action is to quarantine all messages that exceed the spam threshold. In the case of a banned attachment or spam, a DSN will be generated. No DSN will be generated for viruses, as most viruses originate from forged mail addresses.

Archive Mail:

If enabled, all clean messages received by this domain are stored in history for seven days. Archived mail older than this is deleted. Go to Reporting > History to view.

Quarantine Report:

If enabled, a quarantine report is generated for each recipient in this domain who has had messages quarantined.


Select the language your quarantine reports are written in. Recipients can change the quarantine report language within their UI.

Email report every:

Select the frequency that quarantine reports are generated (never, every day, every weekday, every Friday, or every month). Recipients can change the quarantine report frequency within their UI.

Report contains:

A quarantine report can list of all items that are currently quarantined for a user, or just new quarantined items since the last report was generated (default).

Both options can be viewed with or without virus-infected emails included. If a user has no quarantined messages or no new quarantined messages since the last report, then no report will be sent.

Exclude spam mails scoring above:

Messages with a spam score above a certain value can generally be deemed as spam. Users are usually only interested in messages that fall just above the spam threshold, so they can identify any false positives.

If users get a significant amount of spam, you can exclude spam messages above a certain spam score, e.g. 30, to keep their quarantine report more manageable (default: 999).

Domain Administrators:

Domain Administrators can be assigned to manage individual domains on SpamTitan Gateway. A Domain Administrator can view the quarantine for their domain, generate reports and view mail history. A domain can have multiple administrators. Changes made by domain administrators are logged in the interface log file.

To add an administrator, enter their email address in the dialog box and click Add. Only email addresses that are local to SpamTitan Gateway can be used. When a domain administrator logs into SpamTitan, they are prompted to log in to their user interface or one of the domain interfaces for which they are an administrator.

Reset settings to default:

Click Reset to reset policy to the domain policy default settings. If no domain policy exists, the policy will be reset to global default values.