Adding and Deleting Allowed IP Addresses
Go to System Setup > Mail Relay > IP Controls to add or delete IP addresses to your allow list. If you allow an IP, then mail from that address will bypass spam scoring tests and automatically be forwarded to the recipient.

Allowed IPs bypass all spam, virus, banned attachments, RBL and SPF checks. However, HELO and greylisting restrictions will still apply.
Adding an Allow List Entry
Follow the steps below to add an IP address to your allow list.
Click Add... and the Add Allowed IP window displays.
Using the table below as a reference, complete the fields in the Add Allowed IP window.
Click Save to save or Cancel to discard this entry.
Deleting an Allow List Entry
Click the checkbox
to the left of the allow list entry or entries you want to delete and click Delete.
To delete a single entry, click the delete
icon in the Options column to the right of that entry.
Editing an Allow List Entry
Click the edit
icon in the Options column to the right of the entry to want to edit.
Using the table below as a reference, complete the fields in the Edit Allowed IP window.
Click Save to save your changes or Cancel to discard changes to this entry.
Field | Description |
IP/Network: | An individual IP address or network range to be allowed. |
Netmask: | Select the netmask for the specified IP address. Individual IPv4 addresses have a /32 ( netmask. |
Address Type: | IPv4 (default) or IPv6. |
Comment: | Optional comment for this entry. |