Deploy DNS Proxy into your Resource Group
Please make sure that you have read the prerequisites before deploying DNS proxy into your resource group.
Download the Azure DNS Proxy installer here (DnsProxy-AzureInstaller.exe). The current version of DNS Proxy is .
As a best practice, delete the DnsProxy-AzureInstaller.exe install file after deployment.
Run the DnsProxy-AzureInstaller.exe install file.
A command line interface opens and you will be prompted to enter the following:
Your Tenant ID.
A number to append to the virtual machine name. For example, if the virtual machine name is TitanHQ-DNSProxy-VM and you enter 1, the virtual machine name will be TitanHQ-DNSProxy-VM-1.
If you are deploying more than one server, you can enter 2 for the second one, and so on. The servers will be created with the number appended at the end.
The name of the (existing) target resource group DNS Proxy will be launched into.
The name of the target VNet.
The name of the (existing) target Subnet.
Once the details above have been supplied, the application will deploy DNS Proxy. It normally takes 5 - 7 minutes for the deployment to complete. When the provisioning process is complete, you will see the following resources in the target resource group:

DNS Proxy deployment is now complete.
As a best practice, delete the DnsProxy-AzureInstaller.exe install file after deployment.