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TitanHQ Product Docs

Downloading and Installing Dynamic IP Agent

The Dynamic IP Agent can be installed on a Windows server or PC on your network. Before installing, please read the Prerequisites for Dynamic IP Agent installation.

Follow the steps below to download and install the Dynamic IP Agent.

Step 1: Generate or Retrieve a Location Key from WebTitan

When a Dynamic IP location is added to WebTitan a location key is generated. This key is necessary to complete the steps below and install the Dynamic IP Agent.

  • If you have not already done so, add a Dynamic IP location in WebTitan to generate a location key. Follow the steps in Adding a Dynamic IP Location.

  • If you have already added the Dynamic IP location, go to Settings > Location > Dynamic IP and retrieve the key from the Location Key column:


Step 2: Download and Install the Dynamic IP Agent

  1. Click here to download the Dynamic IP Agent install file (ipagent.msi). The current version of the Dynamic IP Agent is .

  2. Double click on the install file to launch the installer. The Welcome to the Dynamic IP Agent Setup Wizard window displays - select Next.

  3. The Configuration window displays. Enter your Location Key and WebTitan FQDN/IP (see below):

    • Location Key: Enter the location key for your Dynamic IP location. See Step 1: Generate or Retrieve a Location Key from WebTitan above.

    • WebTitan FQDN/IP: Enter either the FQDN or the IP of your WebTitan Cloud. For example, or

  4. Select Next and the WTC Network Checks window displays. It is recommended to leave these checks enabled, as they catch any issues with communications between WebTitan Cloud and the local network:

  5. Click Next and the Select Installation Folder window displays. It is recommended you install to the default folder. Select Next.

  6. The Confirm Installation window displays. Select Next to start the installation:

  7. Once successfully installed, the Installation Complete window displays. Select Close to exit the installation wizard.

Step 3: After Installation

After completing Steps 1 & 2 above, please ensure the following:

  1. If this installation is on a laptop, you must restart it to complete the installation.

  2. The machine running the Dynamic IP Agent must have AC power plugged in for the agent to work. By default, the scheduled task does not run on battery power.