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Prerequisites for OTG 2 for Windows Installation

Below are the prerequisites that must be met or considered before installing WebTitan OTG 2 for Windows. Please read through this information carefully before installation.

  • You must be on WebTitan Cloud 4.16 or later to use WebTitan OTG 2 for Windows. If you are using an earlier version of WebTitan Cloud, use WebTitan OTG 1 for Windows.

  • The most recent version of WebTitan OTG for Windows (version 2.2.5) is supported and tested for the following Windows releases:

    Supported Windows Release

    Latest Windows Versions Tested with OTG

    Windows 10

    Version 21H2

    Windows 11

    Version 22H2

  • WebTitan OTG 2 for Windows must be installed on a machine running .NET Framework 4.8 or later. Check the following registry location to determine your current .NET Framework version:

    Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Version

  • You must have administrative privileges for the machine on which you are installing WebTitan OTG 2 for Windows.

  • You need to know the URL of your WebTitan Cloud, e.g.

  • You need your OTG install key during installation. You can get this in your WebTitan Cloud from Settings > Account > OTG Install Key.

  • WebTitan OTG 2 for Windows uses TCP port 7771 (inbound and outbound) for communication to WebTitan Cloud. Please ensure this port is not blocked.

  • WebTitan OTG 2 also uses TCP port 8443 (inbound and outbound). Please ensure this port is not blocked.

  • Note that Virtual Machines are not supported for OTG 2.