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Manage Campaign Settings

In this section you can edit your Phishing and Training settings.

  • Go to Settings > Campaign Settings and select the appropriate tab for the phishing or training settings you want to edit:

    • Phish Action Ingestion:

      • IP Allowlist: Enter the IP addresses that you want to include in your Allow List, making sure to include a semi-colon (;) between each.

      • IP Blocklist: Enter the IP addresses that you want to include in your Block List, making sure to include a semi-colon (;) between each.

      • ISP Blocklist: Enter the ISP addresses that you want to include in your Block List, making sure to include a semi-colon (;) between each.

      • Ingestion timing threshold: This is the timespan in seconds before ingestion of data takes place. You can use the up or down arrows to edit this, or enter the number of seconds.

      • Ingestion window per item: This is the timespan in milliseconds between identical events. You can use the up or down arrows to edit this, or enter the number of milliseconds.

      • Use global defense list: Indicates that a global defense list is used (default: enabled).

      • Stop ingestion of completed campaigns: By default, ingestion does continue after the completion date of the campaign. Select the checkbox if you do not want ingestion of completed campaigns to continue after the completion date (default: disabled).

    • Training Settings:

      • Training from Email: Enter the email address for notification of training campaigns.

      • Training from Display Name: Enter the name of the sender for the training emails.

      • Allow PasswordLess Training: Indicates if users are required to enter a password to access their training. If no password is required, then the user is verified based on their email address (default: disabled).

      • Verify Token Expiration: Indicates if training links expire. If you do not want training links to expire, then you can de-select this checkbox. This means that users can access their training indefinitely (default: enabled).

      • Automatic Training Enrolment: When this checkbox is enabled, all training campaigns automatically have the Automatic Training Enrolment feature activated (default: enabled).

      • Show Video Logo: Indicates if logo should be displayed on training video (default: enabled).

      • Allow Video Skip: Indicates if user can complete the training without watching the video (default: disabled).

      • Policy Training Continue on Top: If you de-select this checkbox, then the Continue button for policy document training will be located at the bottom of the page (default: enabled).

      • Training Page Title: Enter the title for your Training page. This is the location that recipients of training campaigns will visit to complete their training.

      • Training Page Subtitle: Enter the subtitle for your Training page. This will appear under the title of your page, and can add further explanation to the purpose of the page.

      • Pass Threshold for Quiz: From the dropdown menu, select the minimum passing score for users who have completed the quiz associated with their training. Options range from 40 to 100, with the default set to 80.

      • Assume Pass on Complete: Indicates if anyone taking the training can automatically pass. Select this checkbox if you want all users who have completed the training to achieve a pass, regardless of score. A de-selected checkbox means that users will need to achieve the minimum result selected in the Pass threshold for Quiz field in order to pass (default: disabled).

      • Custom Scorm Domain: Enter the domain address for the Training website.

      • Scorm Minimum Time to Complete: From the dropdown menu, select the number of seconds that a user has to complete the training. The numbers range from 0 to 240. If you select 0, then no minimum time to complete the training is required.

      • Scorm Minimum Score to Complete: From the dropdown menu, select the minimum passing score for users to complete the training. If you select 0, then no minimum score to complete the training is required.

      • User Training Page Timespan: Enter the number of days that a user can access training following completion of the campaign.

      • Allow User Access to Completed Training: Indicates if user can access their completed training. If you de-select this checkbox, then users won't be able to access their training after they've completed it (default: enabled).

      • Allow Users to Redo Completed Training: Indicates if users can take their training again, after they've completed it. If you de-select this checkbox, then users cannot retake their training once they've completed it (default: enabled).

      • Allow Users to Access Training Past the Campaign Completion Date: If you select this checkbox, then you allow users to access their training after the campaign completion date (default: disabled).

      Training Reminder Defaults:

      • Allow Training Reminders: When this is selected, either default or custom reminders can be used. If you de-select this checkbox, but select the checkbox Use Default Reminders, then only default reminders will be sent (default: enabled).

      • Use Default Reminders: If you de-select this checkbox, but enable Allow Training Reminders, then only custom reminders will be sent. If both Allow Training Reminders and Use Default Reminders are de-selected, then no training reminders will be sent (default: enabled).

      • Allow Multiple Reminders: This field relates only to custom reminders. When enabled, it means that multiple reminders to recipients during a campaign can be set up (default: enabled).

      • Default Reminder: In this section, you can configure the default training reminder for your campaign. Ensure that the Use default reminders checkbox is selected above for this to be used.

    • Training Teams Settings: In order to set this up for your organisation, contact the SafeTitan Help Centre.