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TitanHQ Product Docs

MSP Admin Dashboard

Go to the MSP Admin Dashboard to access the tasks related to managing customers, campaigns and reports, which are described below.

  • Customers

    In the Customers section, you can create new customers, manage existing customers and export customer data.

  • Customer Groups

    In this section, you can put your customers into groups based on the sectors they belong to, their locations, or any way that helps you manage them more easily. Existing customer groups can also be viewed, edited and deleted here.

  • Phishing Campaigns

    Phishing is a type of online fraud to trick people into providing sensitive information, such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details. The perpetrator pretends to be a trustworthy individual or entity. You can create phishing campaigns in this section to learn more about the cyber security awareness of your customers. If you wish, you can include Reactive Training for your customers, and enroll high-risk users automatically in phishing awareness training.

  • Training Campaigns

    In the Training Campaigns section, you can create and schedule training campaigns for customers.

  • Campaign Reports

    Automated reports can be generated following the end of phishing and training campaigns. You can also schedule MSP Campaign Reports and Customer Campaign Reports for a specific period of time.

  • Settings

    In the Settings section, you can select templates for training assignments, reminders, and completion.

Expiring Licenses

The MSP Portal shows a list of customers whose licenses are due to expire within the next two months. This is helpful as you can identify the customers who need to renew their licenses.

It's organized as follows:

  • Customer Name: Name of the customer

  • Expiration date: The Date-Month-Year of the license expiry

  • Days left: Number of days before the license expires


In the Customers section, you can see a graphic representation of customers, users and campaigns, as follows:

  • Active Global Seats: Number of active users across all customers for the current license.

  • Active Local Seats: Number of active users within the MSP organization for the current license.

  • Max Global Seats: The full capacity of users for all customers within the current license.

  • Max Local Seats: The full capacity of users within the MSP organization for the current license.

  • Customers: Number of companies managed by the MSP.

  • Phishing Campaigns: Number of active phishing campaigns.

  • Training Campaigns: Number of active training campaigns.