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TitanHQ Product Docs

Installing Orchestrator

The Orchestrator is managed entirely by the Orchestration Manager, and is responsible for installing the latest version of the Orchestrator. In order for the Orchestration Manager to know where to install the Orchestrator on the Server, the Orchestration Manager property Orchestrator Site Location must be populated correctly with the location that the Orchestrator Site is to be deployed to.

  1. Navigate to the Landing page for the Orchestration Manager. From the landing page, select Click here to update now. A window appears, detailing the progress of the installation.

    This process should run to completion and inform you that the Orchestrator is installed, using the latest version.

  2. Select Close to return to the Landing page, where Orchestrator will be shown running the latest version.

  3. To verify this process, navigate the Orchestrator's website URL as defined in IIS.