WebTitan OTG for Mac Guide
Welcome to the WebTitan OTG for Mac guide. OTG stands for 'on the go' and is a roaming client for Mac and Windows users to filter content on devices being used outside of your network. OTG is an endpoint client that allows off-network roaming by users while continuing to apply their policy.
Once installed by the administrator on a laptop, OTG manages the user’s network DNS settings and sends the user’s current IP address to WebTitan Cloud. When the user goes to a new location e.g. a coffee shop, OTG updates WebTitan Cloud with the new IP so that content filtering continues.
This guide describes a command-line installation which is the quickest way to install OTG, as it automatically creates a Roaming location in WebTitan Cloud as part of the install.
Each installation of OTG corresponds to a Roaming Location in Settings > Locations > Roaming.
Each installation creates a user in the Users tab based on the macOS account username on the machine it is installed on.
Therefore, if you successfully install OTG on thirty laptops, thirty roaming locations and thirty users will be added to your WebTitan Cloud.