Blocked Domains
If you allow access to a category, e.g. Art, all websites within that category will be allowed. However, you can block access to a website that is included in an allowed category by adding it to your Blocked Domains.
Follow the steps below to add or edit a blocked domain:
Go to Locations & Policies > Edit Policy and click the Blocked Domains tab:
Click Add... and the Add Blocked Domains window displays. Enter the following fields:
Domain: The domain or partial domain of the website you want to blacklist.
Comment: An optional description of this whitelist entry.
Click Submit to save this entry or Close to close the window and discard the entry.
Once a blocked domain is added it will be listed in the Blocked Domains table:
To edit an entry, click on the edit
icon in the Options column.
To delete an entry, click on the delete
icon in the Options column.