Configuring OAuth Connection Settings
Open Authorization (OAuth) is a token-based technique of authentication and authorization used to provide Single Sign-On (SSO). This method allows a user’s account information to be used by third-party applications and services without revealing that user’s password. It acts as an intermediary on behalf of the end-user, providing the service with an access token that authorizes specific account information to be shared.
Go to Adv. Configuration > SSO - OAuth and follow the steps below to configure and manage your OAuth connections.

Click Create New Connection and the Connection Details form displays.
Using the table below as a reference, complete the Connection Details form.
Review your values and click Save Connection to configure this OAuth connection.
Once a connection has been added, you can highlight the connection name and click Edit Connection or Delete Connection as required.

Setting | Description |
Provider Type: | Select the type of provider for which this OAuth connection is being created. Options are Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft ADFS and OpenID Connect. |
Redirect URIs: | URI(s) to which the authorization server sends the user after the app has been successfully authorized, and granted an authorization code or access token. |
Connection Name: | Display name used to identify this connection. |
Client Id: | Unique ID assigned to the application registered with the OAuth provider. |
Client Secret: | Secret code assigned to the application registered with the OAuth provider. |
Authorization URL: | URL to which the front end will redirect the user for authorization (default: Example: (where zz0zzz00-00z0-0z00-0zzz-z0z0z00zz000 = your tenant ID). |
Access Token URL: | URL called for obtaining the access token (default: Example: (where zz0zzz00-00z0-0z00-0zzz-z0z0z00zz000 = your tenant ID). |
User Detail URL: | URL called for obtaining user details (default: |